Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quit Monkeying Around! – Indonesia

Quit Monkeying Around!
Pandaron Beach, Java, Indonesia

And it all started so well…

As I entered the only part of the jungle open to travelers and locals, I was taken aback by the beauty and the innocence Indonesia had to offer. My view from my right peripheral vision was miles and miles of untouched beaches; to my left was a jungle you could get lost in. Facing my back was the greenest rice fields you have ever seen. This was the Pandaron Beach in Java. This part of the island made me realize how beautiful this part of the world can be.

As I started my challenging adventure up into the depths of the unknown, I was loving the quietness and peacefulness that surrounded me. I was walking on terrain that only a few people were venturing; I could count the amount of locals on my fingers. That is what I loved best about this place: it wasn’t over-run by tourists. Very untouched and unspoiled. That is why I chose to come here. I started walking through some marshy lagoons, and up onto a cliff I had noticed from a far. I walked to the top, which overlooked the China Sea and the ocean that seems to go on forever.

As I started my approach to the top I noticed about a hundred different monkeys running wild on the cliff’s edge. I couldn’t believe it; I had never come face-to-face with so many wild creatures in all my life. Newborns rested on their mothers’ stomachs. Hairless babies ran wild. Every shape, size and character imaginable… I put my pack down to take some up-close and personal photos.

They seemed to be harmless as I approached, and I never once felt threatened by them. They didn’t seem bothered by my presence and were continuing on like I wasn’t even there… I had taken nearly a roll of film and was only inches from them… I just by chance turned and glanced at my pack and noticed a HUGE monkey going into my sack.

He started unzipping the top of my bag and pulling out all the contents. I moved closer to capture this moment, on film when all of a sudden he decided I was cramping his style, like I might steal the Duracell Batteries or my extra roll of film. He lunged at me with such force and determination I instinctively backed away. Without even realizing I had this in me, I let out a yell. It came from the bottom of my stomach and even shocked me. I can only imagine the rest of the monkeys. By this point I was at the cliff’s edge, and I noticed a local who had run up after hearing my roar. He immediately stood in front of me, and the monkey stopped dead in his tracks, turned around, and proceeded back to my sack.

Several minutes passed. He still hadn’t let up, but I noticed him chewing on something. It appeared to me he had a piece of gum. I racked my brain, but couldn’t figure out what it was until after the fact. The monkey than proceeded into the bigger part of my bag. I was starting to get annoyed. It was cute at first, but enough was enough. The local decided to try to be the hero and bring my bag to justice. He moved towards the monkey with a stick, and was about to chase it away when it stopped and stared at me. Like it’s my fault!! He then started moving towards me again. I immediately called off the rescue mission and decided to wait out the hostage-taking.

The monkey, after deciding he had had enough to eat and drink, fled the scene and left lots of evidence he was there. I returned to my bag, to discover what he had been drinking was in fact my rubbing alcohol, and what he had been chewing was my vitamins (at least he will have nice skin). He also managed to get a piece of Snickers. All that makes a pretty nasty potion for a monkey who is used to eating berries and plants.

I quickly got my things together and decided to get the hell off that cliff before I had to go home bagless. I was already needing to go to a drugstore. Leaving the cliff, at the bottom I noticed an area infested with more. I am again taken aback, WOWED at how lucky I am to be this close to such amazing yet temperamental animals.

I proceeded down with my pack securely fastened to my back. I noticed a guy with a bag, selling peanuts. I felt like I was at the zoo. All we needed was the popcorn. All the monkeys were crowding around this guy, waiting for the candy… They’re not stupid and know what is in that loot bag! I was intrigued and thought, if he can feed them so can I. I went right up to the man and bravely asked for my own bag of peanuts. Meanwhile, hundreds of monkeys were surrounding me and pawing me and wanting me to feed them. But before the guy would give up the goods, I had to produce the funds that would put more than just peanuts on his table. I reached into my pocket, and just as I am pulling out my little change purse that contains all my money for the day…

A monkey jumps up and grabs my purse, thinking it is his dinner. He then takes off, not wanting to share with any of his comrades. I immediately let out the new yell I have learned. I tell the people watching that the monkey has all my money. I start following, and I am soon joined by a local who has a bag of peanuts and is trying to bribe the monkey. Two hostage-takings in one day! This can’t be happening. I can handle getting my vitamins stolen, but my money? No way. Just as the monkey is about to climb up a 100-foot tree he drops the money and grabs the peanuts. It is sort of a catch-22. He gets his dinner, and so do I.

My idea of how “cute” monkeys were soon changed. They are like 2-year-old kids going through their “terrible two’s”. The only problem is that monkeys never grow out of it. I decided to call it a day and leave the rest of the untouched jungle for a new day. I guess that is why it is untouched – if you can get by the monkeys you can get in. Let’s hope I can tackle them in a new light.

I left the area, walked down the beach and bought a Bintang with the money I was able to salvage. I sat staring at the ocean, listening to people laughing and singing Karaoke in the distance. I thought, “isn’t this what living is all about…”


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